

AIMR library started in 2010 (with establishment of institute) to meet the needs of faculty and students of AIMR. Our Library plays a vital role by providing wide range of resources with reliable content to encourage and promote the process of learning and grasping knowledge, It serves as an Information Centre where bundle of resources were collected and provided to all the members of AIMR for utilization. Additionally, it assures, that variety of resources are collected and arranged to meet the information needs of both current and future members. The primary goal is to deliver relevant information to the needy.

The library acquires a huge collection of printed as well as electronic resources such as books, journals, magazines, CDS/DVDs, e-books, e-journals, course materials, previous year question papers, bound volume of journals, SIP Projects etc.


Library aims to be gather huge resources and provide seamless access by using modern technologies.


  • Collect both print and electronic form of resources of high quality.
  • To support staff and students to get right information at the right time.
  • To provide healthy environment to students and staff for the dissemination of knowledge.


Library Collection

Sr. No. Particulars Details
1 Total No of Title 2399
2 Total No of Volumes 7724
3 CD/DVDs 120
4 Total No. of Journals & Magazines 34
5 SC/ST Book Bank 280
6 Donated Books 390
7 Total No. of Bound Journals 795
8 SIP Projects 603
9 Total No. of E-books 4000
10 Daily Newspapers 06
11 E-resources Subscribed J-gate Management database (45000 e –journals)Asian Journal of Management Cases

Library Rules & Regulations

  • The students must carry their College ID and Library ID during library visit.
  • All users are required to maintain silence and discipline in the library.
  • The users should mention his /her name, semester, in-time, out-time and sign in register kept at the entrance of the library.
  • Handling the documents with great care as they are costly, precious in nature, is expected.
  • Borrowing any material from library is required to enter in register with the permission of librarian.
  • All personal belongings, such as books, bag, coat, umbrella, personal files, Xerox materials of the users are not allowed in library.
  • Books are issued to staff till semester end and students for period of one week in the first instance and if require, the same book can be renewed further one more time for a period of fortnight each and thus no book will be allowed to be kept with a member beyond thirty days.
  • Library cards are not transferable. The borrower card holder should come personally to borrow the books and the authorization is not allowed.
  • The member can borrow only two books at a time.
  • Books bank books can be issued as per the norms of the scheme/the availability of books. The discretionary power are given to the librarian.
  • Loss of books/damaged: every borrower from the library is responsible for the safe custody and return of the book borrowed by him/her. In the event of damage or loss he/she shall replace the book or pay the cost of the book. The person has to pay the fine plus the cost of the books plus processing charges at the time of clearance from the library.
  • Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource.
  • Beverages and eatable are not allowed inside the library. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the library.
  • No reader is allowed to sleep in library premises.
  • The readers are liable for punishment and fine if the either misbehave or exploiting library environment.
  • Reference books, rare book, unbound periodicals and books may not be issued.
  • Each prospective member shall fill up a membership form.
  • If a member does not pay off the library dues, the privilege of borrowing books may be suspended till he/she deposits the required amount.
  • Visitors rather than library members are required to take permission from the Librarian.
  • Photograph or selfie are strictly banned in library.
  • No dues certificated will be issued only after the examination.
  • Staff should take library No dues certificate while living the college.
  • The librarian shall have the power to refuse the issue of book to any member or he may recall any book without assigning any reason therefore.


Circulation Section

All the resources made available t circulated to users without any disruption. This section includes issueing library materials to users, return and renewing the borrowed items, reserving checked out items, checking the materials for damage, receiving payment of fine for dues or damages, maintain order in the cupboards by re-shelving the library materials etc. and also provides basic search and reference services to the staff and students.

Reference Section

This section is available in library floor; minimum 40 students can sit and read in the reference section. New arrivals are also available for access. This section consists of rare Books, Reference Books, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Handbooks, Atlases and Competitive General Books. The Librarian will provide the reference service to the users.

Periodical Section

AIMR Library has subscribed 34 national and international journals and magazines which the users can access freely.

Digital Library

Digital Library is housed in the Computer Laboratory beside room on the second floor, In this library 4000 and above collections are stored in digital and data accessible through the computers by users. The digital content may be stored locally.

SC/ST Book Bank

SC/ST students and staff are eligible to use this source. Along with regular books one more additional book will be issued.

New Arrivals

Newly arrived books and periodicals are display in new arrivals rack for particular period. Also display the list newly arrived documents in notice board as current Awareness Service.

Wi-Fi Facility

wi-fi facility is made available with free registration Membership

Suggestions / Complaints

Suggestion Box is made available at the entrance of the Library to give feedback of the library Services.

User Awareness

The library has conducted library orientation programme every year to promote and better utilization of resources for the students. They are taken around the library to familiarize them with various resources and services available for them.
